
Sunnybrook Secondary School

Name: Sunnybrook Secondary School
BSID: 668381
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 02, 2019

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Online/Site Based
Grade Range: K-12
Semester type: Full Year
Special Conditions Code: All Year Round
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: Central Region

Address: 45A West Wilmot Street
City: Richmond Hill
Postal Code: L4B2P2
Telephone: 647-222-5257

Principal Name: Samantha Schmidt
Principal Start Date: Dec 06, 2021

Sources: Ministry Website

Auto Rating

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SchoolCred Rating

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Connections to Other Schools

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Latest Google Reviews

Sunnybrook Secondary School

D Shiferaw
06 Nov, 2023

” Sunnybrook School provides an exceptional learning environment for children to excel. Their academic rigour combined with their caring, supportive community provide children with tools to succeed, gain independence, and build their confidence. My son joined in the later years and was quickly and warmly welcomed. I would highly recommend Sunnybrook School. “

Lukas Grey
01 Jun, 2022

” It’s a great school that has a lot to offer. The teachers are very experienced and professional to deliver best quality education. The communication with parents is phenomenal; both teachers and administration (including the Principal) are very approachable and always willing to share candid feedback. They are dedicated to well rounded education by following the IB principles with enriched math and literacy programs. It’s a safe and supportive environment for kids to make mistakes and learn new things. My child has made a lot of good friends and always looks forward to school. “

Yu Qi
31 May, 2022

” Sunnybrook is a very nurturing school. Teachers are dedicated and supportive; they really care about children’s development. Their IB program is academically enriched and inspires students. My son loves to go to school every day, learning and discovering new things with his teachers and friends. “

Connie K
28 Apr, 2022

” Before moving to Toronto we spent several months researching schools for our primary school son and all efforts led to Sunnybrook: a nurturing school following IB principles, with a highly dedicated and supportive teaching staff. Our son is happy, challenged, engaged, was warmly welcomed and quickly fit in. We couldn’t have asked for a better outcome! “

Bana Zananiri
26 Apr, 2022

” A WONDERFUL school to learn in with the best teachers!! A top-notch IB education in a very nurturing environment. My son is in love with Sunnybrook and has become so passionate about reading and math! Learning is fun at Sunnybrook. Impressive library. Through sports and activities, they have also supported our son’s soccer journey. I really feel as though they are truly invested in him as a person and student. Opens up a world of opportunities! “


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